Sunday, August 2, 2009

Other projects during 2009 summer.

I've also started a series of paintings about communing with animals. This one I call "Exciting News from a Large bird". My summer is coming to an end in a few weeks, so I hope to finish up several paintings from both of my summer projects.

A third project has been a curved counter top for our kitchen. It started out being an art project, but ended up in having to hire a carpenter/plumber as it got out of hand.

A fourth project was doing a series of three bird drawing workshops for kids. I came up with a set of posters that helped the process. I don't have to talk so much.


deb did it said...

Linda, I LOVE this speaks volumes!!

Unknown said...

I'm not a knowledgeable blogger, but I like yours! I hope you have a great trip and I look forward to your updates. Love, Aunt Denise